Since 2004, Elizabeth has given over a hundred readings, interviews, and talks, and is a warm, engaging reader and story teller. When Implosion was released in 2018, Elizabeth hit the road and gave over twenty book talks in bookstores and libraries in NYC, Boston, Maine, Cincinnati and Indiana. When Sailing at the Edge of Disaster is released, she will give both in-person and Zoom talks, conversations, and readings. Please contact Elizabeth to arrange a reading at your bookstore, library, or for a local group.

Upcoming Events

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Past Events

In-Conversation with Richard Hoffman & Book signing at Porter Square Books

Date: June 20, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Wednesday, June 20, 7pm.

Porter Square Shopping Center

25 White Street

Cambridge, MA 02140


Conversation with Architectural Historian, Jayne Merkel, at Shakespeare & Co. Books

Date: June 19, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Tuesday, June 19 6:30pm

939 Lexington Avenue

(between 68th and 69th Streets)

New York, NY 10065

Contact: (212) 772-3400

Subway: Take the local 6 Train to 68th Street stop

Elizabeth Garber will have a conversation with Jayne Merkel, architectural historian, critic, and author of the acclaimed monograph, Eero Saarinen (N.Y. and London: Phaidon Press, 2005). She is a Contributing Editor at Architectural Record, occasional contributor to The New York Times, and a member of the Editorial Board at AD /Architectural Design in London.

When a Poet Writes a Memoir

Date: April 21, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Old Professor's Bookshop, 99 Main Street, Belfast, Maine

Belfast’s poet, Elizabeth Garber, will be giving a talk and reading that follows her journey through writing four books of poetry, an MFA, her term as Belfast’s Poetry Laureate, and how she unexpectedly ended up writing Implosion: A Memoir of an Architect’s Daughter which will be released this June. Her talk will include lively stories about her writing life: a bi-lingual reading at Café Tortoni in Buenos Aires with a tango singer, writing retreats on Maine Islands, hearing Garrison Keillor read three of her poems on NPR, and an artist fellowship on a cattle ranch in Wyoming.

The first guest who requests an Advanced Reader’s Copy of Implosion will receive her memoir for free in exchange for writing and posting a review.